Thursday, June 21, 2012

Our baby girl is 19 today!

Where did the time go? I love it when someone at the grocery store says, "you don't have a college age kid" I have to say, "yes, I actually have a 20 year old and a 19 year old". Yes, I was very young when I was married and God allowed us to start our family. No regrets here!

Having a daughter has been a great blessing to us. It's much different from having sons. A daughter needs protection in a different way that our sons have needed. With Keith and Josh both away right now, and they aren't here to watch out for potential suitors, I find myself asking, "What would Keith or Josh say or do in the situation".

Michaela is a strong, independent, energetic, hard-working young woman. She knows what she likes and what she doesn't like and she's not afraid to verbalize that. (Jesus was like that. There were times that he was quiet and there were times that he needed to be bold.) Well, I should clarify, sometimes she speaks her mind, other times she is quiet, very quiet. She is quiet until she knows she can trust you. Can she trust you?

If you are her friend, you are her friend for life. She is loyal and expects you to be loyal too. You will know that she has your back, if you are her friend. If you are family and if you are hurting or attacking her family, she will stand up and "fight" to protect them.

She is at that stage where she wants TOTAL independence, but still lives at home and needs to follow the family house rules. It's a hard time for her and a hard time for me. I hope she knows that her TOTAL independence will come and not to rush it too quickly because it will come before she knows it. I also pray that she will be TOTALLY dependent on Jesus Christ alone and not on anything this world has to offer.

She is looking forward to going back to Moody Bible Institute again this fall. I can't wait to see how God continues to work in her life while she is there. She has a desire to help others know the truth of God's Word and how it can help them with any situation in life. I love that about her.

Dearest Michaela,
You are an answered prayer from God to us. We love you and joyfully celebrate your 19th year with us. May you continue to follow God faithfully, all the days of your life.


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