Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine". Song of Solomon 6:3a

February is here. The month most people think about Groundhog Day and St. Valentine's Day.

I must admit, I decorate my house with hearts and red and anything pretty during February. It takes my mind off of the cold, dreary winter days. I've heard nurses say that October is a very busy month for babies being born because of February 14th. Why do we need a day set aside every year to say "I love you" to our sweethearts? Shouldn't we be expressing that love to them everyday of the year?

I've heard many a man complain about the "made up" holiday and they don't like to spend money on a silly holiday. Don't go into debt for Valentine's Day. If you haven't set aside some extra money to buy something or to go out to eat, then find something FREE to do.

Write a hand-written love letter to your beloved. When I'm alone on those weekends that my husband is working for the military or when he was deployed last year to Afghanistan, it was his hand-written letters and cards that he has given to me over the last 21 years that I pulled out to read. Those are more precious to me than anything money could buy. 

Pick up a movie from the library and snuggle up together under a blanket.

Play a board game or a card game together and laugh.

Spend some time asking each other questions about your dreams and goals for the year or the next ten years.

Pray together. Thank God for the spouse that He has given you and ask God to bless your marriage and protect the two of you from taking each other for granted.

Try something new this year. Why not sit down with your beloved and read through the Song of Solomon together. There's just eight chapters. Start on February 7th and read one chapter a night before you go to bed with each other.

Here's a couple commentaries regarding this book:



If you have some money in your budget why not consider a few of these ideas:

Grab a great book and read it together to strengthen your marriage, here is one we recommend;

How about surprising your spouse with a marriage conference? You can go to any city you want and get a discount here:


There are many other marriage conferences that are available, we just can't offer you a discount to any of them. So, if you don't like the Weekend to Remember, look for something else and make your marriage a priority.

Happy February and Happy St. Valentine's Day!

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