Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Waiting for his return

I find myself waiting again today. Waiting for an e-mail or a call or something saying 'I'm on my way back to America and back to you'. I don't like to wait, I've always struggled with waiting, as I've gotten older though, I have learned to turn those thoughts into prayers lifted up for my loved ones so waiting has become a little easier when I give everything over to the Lord whom I trust.

There are people I need to thank for their help while my beloved has been away and that got me to thinking about what I have learned while he has been gone. Here is a little list of which I am sure I could continue to add to:

The things I learned while Keith was away:

-Trust the Lord in everything and I will be filled with peace

-The two of us are stronger together than when we are separate

-God uses people to bless others, and He did that for us

-Life is a hard journey

-Being a single parent is a difficult, lonely task

-Never again make assumptions about someone until I’ve walked in that person’s shoes

-Even though I have no business having a computer, I’m thankful for technology that allowed me to get an e-mail almost every day from my husband

-Waiting is hard

-When I follow what God says in the Bible, it doesn’t mean that everything will turn out well

-Moles digging up my flower beds are a pain in my…

-Taking care and maintaining a house by yourself is a lot of hard work

-Paying the bills is a time consuming task and when you pay them late, you have to pay late fees

-Waking up early to spend time reading God’s Word is worth it, even if I have to get in my pajamas by 8p.m. 

-Being woken up every night in the middle of the night just means that I am still needed 

-People will let me down, God will not

-I need to fear God more and man less

-Remembering that even when I messed up as a parent that God will use everything for my kids good and His glory

-That it is okay to ask for help when you have no one else to turn to

-That IN Air Guard families who do not live near a military base do not get any support and that if I ever meet another family in that situation, I know how to help them now

-Every day is a new chance to start over

-Now believes the statement that Christians are the only group who will "shoot their own" and I want to make sure that I do not fall into that category because of the testimony it leaves to the young people in the world

-If my spouse would leave this earth before me, I could go on without him, I wouldn’t want to, but I could

-I still dislike exercise. Even though we were blessed with a free membership to the YMCA while Keith was deployed, I found it hard to find the time to get over there for the minimum two times a week that I needed to go in order to keep the membership. I did manage to do it and always felt much better after the workout. I did have less back pain issues. So, I've learned that even though I dislike exercise, I need to do it and make it a priority in my life.

-Paid for cars that break down is stressful, when your husband isn't here, even so, I would not take on another car payment to have a nicer car to drive

-That life without a daddy around for your kids is hard for them, no matter what their age

-Americans put way to much emphasis on food including me, I need to help my family realize that food is just to get us the energy we need to keep serving the Lord and therefore it's okay if we eat peanut butter & jelly on rice cakes several nights a week, if I don't have the time to cook a meal. 

-That sisters in Christ are a precious gift from the Lord and I'm so thankful for the sisters God has sent to me from all the places that I've lived, you are all dear blessings to me

-I love the Lord my God with all my heart, mind and soul and He is my first love and if I love God more than I love my spouse, I will be a better wife to my husband

As you think of our family over the next few days, please pray for my husband who, Lord willing will be back on his way to America soon. When you think about us over the next few weeks or months, please pray for us as things will be stressful.


  1. I love your blog. I hope you have received and felt the many prayers said for you and your family.
    We love you guys :)
    Rhonda Williams

  2. Rhonda-thank you my friend for responding. Yes, I'm so thankful for all the prayers that were prayed on behalf of my husband and my family. Many prayers have been answered. We love you too.

  3. I didn't know you had a blog! I look forward to exploring your posts.
    Thank you for giving us a glimpse of what it's been like for you and what it must be like for others like you. Praying for a sweet, bliss-full reunion and for lots of grace as you all readjust. <3
