Today we are blessed to celebrate the eighth birthday of our son Elijah. I'm amazed once again how fast the years are flying by. I remember those first eight days as he fought for his life like they were yesterday. Looking back over the eight years, it certainly has come with many challenging days, however, there have been more days filled with joy and blessings than with trials and pain.
Today, Elijah celebrates his birthday without his daddy. The days have become harder for this little boy. He misses his daddy. He misses wrestling and throwing the football with him. He misses just following him around, learning how to be a man. He's mentioned several times, "I'm the daddy around her now", especially when he wants us to do what he says. :) We've had some emotional days lately, and instead of saying to him, "stop your crying, be a man", I say, "it's okay to cry, Elijah, go ahead and cry, it hurts to have your daddy away". Will this make him soft and not allow him to be masculine? I don't know, what I do know is that I want this little boy to be free to express his pain share that with us if he wants to.
Today is a school day and I had to explain that if he had been attending a government school, he'd still have to go to school on his birthday. So, after school today, even though the daddy isn't here, we will be going out to eat to celebrate. 96th Street burgers has gluten free hamburger buns! Then we will come home and if timing turns out to be right, we will skype with Keith so that we can all sing to him together.
Oh, thank you Father God for sending Elijah to our family. What a joy and blessing and privilege it is for our family to raise this little boy for just a short time while he is here on earth. Please give us wisdom and direction as we guide him and teach him your Word. Please save this little boy and let his heart be for you and to serve you in all he does.
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