Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Remembering to be Thankful

“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Happy Thanksgiving!

If you are like our family you realize that you are very blessed and sometimes like our family you forget to rejoice and thank God for those blessings. 

Our family has known that we are a blessed family and yet going through a deployment can heighten that awareness. Now that Keith is back and we’re all getting back into a “normal” routine, it’s easy to forget again. 

I don’t want to forget. I want to remember that while Keith was gone, God provided for our family in many ways. I want to remember that Keith did find out what it was like to be in a war zone and how God did protect him while he was there. I want to remember that some spouses don’t come home alive or they come home as disabled veterans. 

When our focus changes from complaining about our circumstances to being thankful for our circumstances then we can see how we’ve been blessed and we can thank the one that those blessings come from. 

Before the rush of Christmas creeps into your life, take a little time this Thanksgiving to remember how blessed your family is and give thanks for those blessings.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Why a Veteran's Day?

Why celebrate Veteran’s Day? One important reason to me is that in God’s Word, the Bible, He says we should give “…respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.” Romans 13:7b What does the word respect and honor mean here? It means that God demands that we show sincere respect and an attitude of genuine high esteem for all public officials. (MacArthur commentary)

Here’s a link to the History of Veteran’s Day:       
In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…"

Do you need more reasons to celebrate Veteran’s Day? How about that these folks make all kinds of sacrifices to serve in America’s volunteer military force. They sacrifice time away from their families, they sacrifice financial gain, they sacrifice freedom to come and go as they please. How about the sacrifices that their families make? Have you thought about these sacrifices? I thought I had, I thought I knew exactly how hard it was for military families until my husband was deployed and away from our family for eight and a half months. Now I know. I also know that there is a difference if you are a Guard family and not active duty. 

We are all busy and there is always something that will call for our attention. We had to make that choice for this upcoming weekend. Derby race is normally the first weekend of the month. Anything scheduled on the first weekend of the month means that my husband can’t participate because it’s a Guard weekend. This year though the Derby race was scheduled for the second weekend of the month and we thought, “Yea, daddy can actually go this year.” However, we found out that the Veteran’s Day Parade in our area is going to be on the same day. We talked about it and we’ve decided to choose to honor Veteran’s and go to the parade. One of the reasons we chose that is because we sense that younger families no longer understand just the simple etiquette that we are to show people in authority. This past summer during a Fourth of July parade, I was sad to see that most families did not stand up when the Flag was carried by or when Veteran’s walked by. I think that the younger people don’t have the same respect for people who have sacrificed like older people do. We are determined to make sure our kids understand what sacrifices have been made for us all. 

Now for our family the most important sacrifice that has been made for us all comes from the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Jesus was crucified on the cross and took the punishment that should have been ours. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” John 3:16-17  

Take a look at this video, we think it shares the sacrifice that Jesus made clearly.

So, the sacrifice that Jesus made is much more important than the sacrifices that American military people have made and yet, we still believe that it’s important to honor Veteran’s. 

Here are some suggestions of how you may be able to do that before next Sunday, November 11, 2012:
*Send a note of encouragement to someone who has served. 

*Thank someone verbally; a simple “Thank you for your sacrifice or service to America” is very encouraging to someone. 

*Participate in Veteran’s Day parades or ceremonies.

*Do you have a neighbor that is currently serving or has served? How about inviting them for a meal or making a dessert for them with a note saying how much you appreciate them.

*Find a USO or a VA hospital and volunteer to help at those locations. 

*Adopt a military member and write letters and send packages to them. 

*Pray for military members. 

I love this picture because it’s just hours after my husband came home and our youngest son just couldn’t believe that his daddy was finally home.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Waiting for his return

I find myself waiting again today. Waiting for an e-mail or a call or something saying 'I'm on my way back to America and back to you'. I don't like to wait, I've always struggled with waiting, as I've gotten older though, I have learned to turn those thoughts into prayers lifted up for my loved ones so waiting has become a little easier when I give everything over to the Lord whom I trust.

There are people I need to thank for their help while my beloved has been away and that got me to thinking about what I have learned while he has been gone. Here is a little list of which I am sure I could continue to add to:

The things I learned while Keith was away:

-Trust the Lord in everything and I will be filled with peace

-The two of us are stronger together than when we are separate

-God uses people to bless others, and He did that for us

-Life is a hard journey

-Being a single parent is a difficult, lonely task

-Never again make assumptions about someone until I’ve walked in that person’s shoes

-Even though I have no business having a computer, I’m thankful for technology that allowed me to get an e-mail almost every day from my husband

-Waiting is hard

-When I follow what God says in the Bible, it doesn’t mean that everything will turn out well

-Moles digging up my flower beds are a pain in my…

-Taking care and maintaining a house by yourself is a lot of hard work

-Paying the bills is a time consuming task and when you pay them late, you have to pay late fees

-Waking up early to spend time reading God’s Word is worth it, even if I have to get in my pajamas by 8p.m. 

-Being woken up every night in the middle of the night just means that I am still needed 

-People will let me down, God will not

-I need to fear God more and man less

-Remembering that even when I messed up as a parent that God will use everything for my kids good and His glory

-That it is okay to ask for help when you have no one else to turn to

-That IN Air Guard families who do not live near a military base do not get any support and that if I ever meet another family in that situation, I know how to help them now

-Every day is a new chance to start over

-Now believes the statement that Christians are the only group who will "shoot their own" and I want to make sure that I do not fall into that category because of the testimony it leaves to the young people in the world

-If my spouse would leave this earth before me, I could go on without him, I wouldn’t want to, but I could

-I still dislike exercise. Even though we were blessed with a free membership to the YMCA while Keith was deployed, I found it hard to find the time to get over there for the minimum two times a week that I needed to go in order to keep the membership. I did manage to do it and always felt much better after the workout. I did have less back pain issues. So, I've learned that even though I dislike exercise, I need to do it and make it a priority in my life.

-Paid for cars that break down is stressful, when your husband isn't here, even so, I would not take on another car payment to have a nicer car to drive

-That life without a daddy around for your kids is hard for them, no matter what their age

-Americans put way to much emphasis on food including me, I need to help my family realize that food is just to get us the energy we need to keep serving the Lord and therefore it's okay if we eat peanut butter & jelly on rice cakes several nights a week, if I don't have the time to cook a meal. 

-That sisters in Christ are a precious gift from the Lord and I'm so thankful for the sisters God has sent to me from all the places that I've lived, you are all dear blessings to me

-I love the Lord my God with all my heart, mind and soul and He is my first love and if I love God more than I love my spouse, I will be a better wife to my husband

As you think of our family over the next few days, please pray for my husband who, Lord willing will be back on his way to America soon. When you think about us over the next few weeks or months, please pray for us as things will be stressful.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

An update from our oldest son Josh

We are rejoicing that our oldest son Josh has chosen to serve the Lord full-time at this time in his life. Read his letter and the letter from the ministry that he serves at. Please consider how you might be able to partner with Josh and Tri-Grace ministry through prayer, encouragement and financial gifts. (Please note, I am NOT tech savvy and so as I was trying to figure out how to load the letter from the ministry, this is what came out, it's small, so I copied the letter and it's below for you to read and after the first letter, Josh's letter is after.)

 Dear Friends of Tri-Grace Ministries,
 August is our one time of year when we seek to raise the missions support for the TGM Assistant Staff. The GOOD NEWS is we have sooo many FPW’s (Faithful Prayer Warriors) that no one needs to give a lot to make this work, but we do need a lot of you to give a little. Would you consider a one time donation to help us with this yearly financial need?
 This year we are raising support for a single Christian guy by the name of Joshua White. Josh first came to TGM as an Intern and in the fall of 2012 began serving as part-time staff. His primary job last fall was to assist Shane and Kim in the Solid Rock College Ministry and with the Solid Rock Internet Café. Josh has shown himself to be faithful and competent in all he has done and is a great blessing to us all.
 Just so you understand, Josh has joined us in full-time ministry, and the salary we offer him is a mere $100 per week, so he is not doing this to get rich—if you know what I mean. Josh is a college grad and could no doubt find a job where he would make a lot more than $100/wk, but he wants to serve the Lord and feels this is the place where God would have him serve for now.
 Chip & Jamie Thompson and Shane & Kim Jones wholeheartedly endorse Josh for this position. We want you to know we NEED this kind of steady help in our ministry. TGM is a thriving and growing ministry. Our sphere of influence and ministry is ever expanding, so we need faithful, godly assistants like Josh. We praise the Lord for the team He has put together for this year and are excited to see what God will do as we move into 2013.
Your Missionaries to the Mormons of Utah,

Hello, friends!
My name is Joshua White, and I am the new Assistant Staff member with
Tri-Grace Ministries for the 2012-2013 year. This past year I was an
intern, and I am excited for the new responsibilities and
opportunities I will have as full-time staff!
How I was used as an Intern
One of my favorite aspects of this ministry is the café, and I was
able to help Shane in the management of it. I have a strong passion
for coffee, and the Solid Rock Café is a great tool for our ministry
here. Through the café I have been able to meet many different people,
and build relationships with them. We of course have plenty of LDS
students that come through, but we also attract students who aren’t
LDS or Christian. In the past few months I’ve gotten to know a number
of agnostics, and rebelling LDS young people. Three of them are named
Justin, Kelsey, and Katie, and while none of them has understood the truth yet,
 I have seen changes in their thought process from when I first met
them. Katie specifically has undergone the most change, as she does
not identify herself as Mormon anymore and drinks coffee like us
heathens. She’s at a point of identity crisis, and she has basically
taken the view of an agnostic. I look forward to continuing talks
about Jesus with them and other new friends in this coming year. I
also began Open Mic Nites at the café on Thursday nights. It grew
exponentially! So much so that the whole café was filled with people
on the final night! Many students had their first experience with us
through Open Mic– it has become an invaluable tool for outreach.
Another role I took as an intern was leading the college Bible study
during the second semester. We studied Ephesians inductively, and
honestly, I’m thankful I was a part of that simply because I learned so much myself!
Why am I here?
Last year, while finishing college, I was trying to figure out what
was next for me. I decided the best use of my time would be to take a
break from school and spend some time with a ministry. Through a short
term mission trip to Philadelphia in July, I got to know Keegan, Shane
and Kim’s son. He told me about what was going on in Ephraim, so I
applied for the fall term internship, and was accepted, and moved to
Ephraim just a few weeks later. I didn’t expect to be in Utah longer
than the four month internship, as I was excited to start post-grad
work. My whole focus was working in the academic field, because I felt
I was meant to work in the “secular” world.  Because the work in the
ministry was fulfilling I decided to stay in Ephraim through the Manti
Pageant, but was still planning to return to school after that. As I
was reaching the end of my internship, God began gradually changing my
focus, and caused me to realize that full-time ministry was definitely
an option, and something that could suit me well. I knew I was meant
to stay in Utah, but I was tired of living in Ephraim. I love living
in an urban setting, so I began making plans to move to Salt Lake
City(SLC). My goal was to work my way into the coffee industry. Almost
immediately, I received a job offer at a coffeehouse in the city, so I
took that as affirmation. Before I left, I was offered the open
Assistant Staff position with Tri-Grace, but because I was focused on
my own goals, I didn’t even consider the offer. After a month of
living in SLC, and through the counsel of wiser Christians, I realized
that despite following God and staying in Utah, I made a selfish
decision and did not consider that he might be more specific about
where in Utah he wanted me. Now I am in Ephraim again, with Tri-Grace ministries, where I know God wants me.
Manti Pageant!
Manti Pageant was something else! I’ve never experienced anything like
it. For two weeks a few hundred Christians descended on Manti for
street evangelism. While street-work is definitely not my forte, it
was a great experience and an amazing time of learning. There were two
specific guys I had good talks with, Trevor, an LDS high-school
student from Ephraim, and Travis, an agnostic from Fountain Green, UT.
Both were annoyed by the treatment one street preacher was getting
from other Mormons, and pleasantly candid about their beliefs. Talking
to the younger people of Utah gives me hope for their future. This is
not an impossible mission field, no matter what some people may think.
Many people have laid a great foundation for reaching the people of
Utah, now we just need the Christians to come and build upon that foundation.
What are my responsibilities?
During my time here as an assistant staff member, I will have a wide
range of responsibilities. As often as I can, I hope to help Brody and
Liz Olson, former interns of Tri-Grace, with their outreach to the
polygamist community in Colorado City, whether that is with mission
teams or individually. As a staff member, I will have a bigger role in
training visiting mission groups and possibly other church bodies.
Additionally, I will be overseeing the development of our Bible
museum, as well as assisting Shane in the management of the café.
Much of my time will be spent in discipleship to our male interns and
students, as well as the ever-important campus outreach. I am very
excited for this coming year, as I get to continue working with a
great ministry team, and meet new people for the cause of Jesus!  I am
currently looking for a part time job, hopefully as a tutor or a
teacher’s assistant at Snow College, but at the same time I want to
focus as much of my energy as possible towards full-time ministry with
Tri-Grace. I humbly ask that you consider supporting me, whether
through prayer and/or finances.
-Joshua White

What am I asking you to do with this? I am asking that you would pray about how God would have you particpate in encouraging Josh. Will it be with prayer, or letters and notes of encouragement over the next year or will it be through financial giving? All of these things are important. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and I hope that it has encouraged you as much as it has encouraged me to read about what Josh is doing these days. 

To give a gift by mail for the Assistant Staff, make checks payable to Solid Rock Foundation. Mail to: 96 E Center St, Ephraim, UT  84627.
To let Josh know you are praying for him or to send him snail mail with words of encouragement, send your letters to Josh White 96 E. Center St. Ephraim UT 84627